Howdy, Lexi.

It looks like someone thinks you’re important enough for a website…

Featured Services

Tried and true favorites that we both enjoy

Quality Time

$25/hr Free!

Words of Affirmation

$25/word Free!

Patience and Love

Priceless Free!

Our Activities

New Adventures

$99 Free!

Sometimes you want something new. Our relationship features many new adventures, each more exciting and fun than the last.

Old Classics

$149 Free!

Sometimes you want to enjoy a classic. Our relationship is built on the past experiences we love that we bring to each other.

Just Chillin’

$199 Free!

Sometimes you just want each other. Just Chillin’ is a perfectly acceptable thing to do - as long as it’s with each other.

Make it a Date

Whether it’s an old favorite or something new, I love doing things with you.

About Us

It’s not always fun, but it’s always worth it. I love spending time with you and the little things you do mean so much to me. Our relationship is based on a strong foundation of love, adoration, trust, and everything else a good couple needs!

Memory Lane

Memory Lane


We’re great at communicating too! I’m so proud of you working on processing and describing your feelings so I can help you.